"A Textbook of Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology" designed as per the syllabus prescribed for the Diploma in Pharmacy students,
belonging to various institutions in India. We believe that the flow of knowledge should be never-ending. The things we know should be passed on to
others. We aim to make the subject lucid for exam-going students by explaining the topics in the syllabus in a clear, detailed and accurate manner. Each
concept in the book is accompanied by point-by-point discussions and easy definitions to understand the different concepts. Additionally, we have
placed questions at the end of each chapter to practice and evaluate the extent of learning. We have tried our best to share our experience and
knowledge accurately in the book and hope that our efforts will be fruitful for the learners. We earnestly believe that our sincere efforts in compiling the
vast knowledge of biochemistry and clinical pathology have been congregated in the form of well-structured, concise chapters with figures and tables
wherever necessary, and will be beneficial to the students.
- Stock: In Stock
- Publisher: BOOKERA
- Author: Miss. Z. Rangwala & Spellbound
- ISBN: 9788195062485
- Weight: 266.00g
- SKU: VPD-176